Aim of this international, topic-oriented journal is the publication of original articles of translational dermatology, clinical studies, state-of-the-art reviews and perspectives with insight into mechanisms of skin diseases and their therapeutic relevance.

Editorial Board

Editors-in-Chief: Johann Bauer, Georg Stingl, Peter Wolf

Senior Deputy Editors: Wolfram Hötzenecker, Matthias Schmuth, Beatrix Volc-Platzer, Wolfgang Weninger

Junior Deputy Editors: Sabine Altrichter, Lajos Vince Kemény, Van Anh Nguyen, Vijaykumar Patra, Johanna Strobl

International Advisory Board: Masayuki Amagai, Martine Bagot, Paul Bergstresser, Thomas Bieber, Giampiero Girolomoni, Sarolta Karpati, Thomas Krieg, Thomas Luger, Dedee Murrell, Klemens Rappersberger, Thomas Schwarz, H. Peter Soyer, Angelika Stary, Shyam Verma

Associate Editors: Christine Bangert, Mohammed Saiful Islam Bhuiyan, Tilo Biedermann, Piergiacomo Calzavara-Pinton, Lorenzo Cerroni, Tania Cestari, Liuqing Chen, Klaus Eisendle, Emmanuella Guenova, Rainer Hofmann-Wellenhof, Peter Höger, Xian Jiang, Kenji Kabashima, Harald Kittler, Cheng-Che Eric Lan, Bernhard Lange-Asschenfeldt, Akimichi Morita, Robert Müllegger, Luigi Naldi, Francis Palisson, Carlo Pincelli, Shital Poojary, Gudrun Ratzinger, Adam Reich, Nick Reynolds, Sonja Ständer, Georg Stary, Dae Hun Suh, Marta Szell, Franz Trautinger, Stefan Wöhrl, Iris Zalaudek

Publication types: Original articles, Reviews, Perspectives, Letter to the editor
ISSN 3061-0281 (online) | ISSN 3061-029X (print)
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